Saturday, May 22, 2010

Online Productivity Tools

It was neat to see how people would/are able to make documents on an internet website, which would allow you to access the documents from any computer. I can definitely see the advantage in that, ie. if your computer was to crash, and the computer went black, and you couldn't get the computer screen back online. If you had saved your material to the Google Documents website, you would be able to go to any other computer and be able to get back in the game with no down time in regards to your project. A definite advantage! I would know because that happened to me!! But on the other hand, what might be the downside of having your information on the internet? It would make things easier for people to possibly get into your account and find your personal documents. I don't know if that is very beneficial.

I could see things like this taking over Windows, because it does have the benefit of access no matter where in the world you are to your documents. That is a huge plus. But would people really be willing to change what has become "normal"? I'm not sure that people are ready now for that. Some people are still hesitant about paying for things over the internet, and so they should!! But I can definitely see the bonuses of using something like Google Documents!

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